Nov 2, 2023Liked by Sean Johnson

Sean, have you ever seen this? My kids loved Martha Speaks, and this was one of my absolute favorite episodes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76xFHHNaPf4

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I hadn't–this was fun. I kept waiting for "Another Reason Why I Don't Keep A Gun In The House."

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There's no thumbnail preview! I promise if you click it it's worth it ;)

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Sean Johnson

My first exposure to Billy Collins was through The Lanyard; I think that poem, more than On Turning Ten, perfectly captures that sardonic wit that Collins never seems to shake off. So does Introduction to Poetry, which I think this podcast has also covered. But I don't think that his characteristic tone works well in this poem! A 10yo on the cusp of A Big Number, realizing more about his own self and place in the world, is a beautiful, almost sacred thing. The magic of turning 10 is not well served by Collin's own habit of sort of separating himself from his own thinking - maintain a tone of ironic distance.

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The Lanyard is fantastic.

Fair point, though I like that in this one the distance prevents him from getting too close to something that is increasingly impossible for an adult to access except as a distant mystery.

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