Today the age-old question of loss and grief is answered…by the man who raised it in the first place.
Thoughtful listening on the heels of Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont
So true!
Hey, I love the podcast! Can I share with you one of Rex Hudson’s Sonnets from his work, “Sonnets for the Psalms”?
Mark, I appreciated the poem–I hadn't encountered Hudson before. Thanks!
Anybody ever heard of Rex Hudson? He is a native to Duluth, MN.
Thoughtful listening on the heels of Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont
So true!
Hey, I love the podcast! Can I share with you one of Rex Hudson’s Sonnets from his work, “Sonnets for the Psalms”?
Mark, I appreciated the poem–I hadn't encountered Hudson before. Thanks!
Anybody ever heard of Rex Hudson? He is a native to Duluth, MN.